January 25. Day 2.
"Next day -- met up with Jegs and his school friend Noli, a talented artist, for some morning chow... at Chow King in Harrison Plaza" - Yoo Sun, our special guest from Korea
"After some shopping and chilling out with Jegs & Noli, we spent the rest of the day at Wensha Spa for some relaxation and pampering. Aaaaugh..... Life in Manila only gets better!"
-Yoo Sun with her halo halo inspired nails
"After meeting up with Jed, we have some delicious Banana split at Magnolia ice cream parlor. Ummmm... yummy!" - Yoo Sun who had her mango fix with this ice cream
"Talking about our hard day...." - Yoo Sun, who a day after will witness how Manila police loves Noli's driving skills
"Stopped over at the Bay side bar for some San Miguel. Jegs courteously trying to block off some of that pitchy & intolerably loud band playing live at that time." -Yoo Sun, certified San Miguelholic
January 26. Day 3.
January 26. Day 3.
"I like this picture. Bet they didn't know I took it." - Yoo Sun who could capture moments well. She was right. We did not know she took it. Now we're glad~
"Jed is showing us the hand-stitched cuff of his new baron which we picked up from Malabon the other day." -Yoo Sun who really enjoyed Malabon's pancit.
"One last San Miguel feast from Trader's Hotel lounge with some Sisig that went well together." - Yoo Sun who could give Alfa a run for her money at lounge singing~
January 29. Day 6.
"Great People, Good Food at Tokyo Bubble Tea, SM North The Block" - Tesha in red who I toured around Korea last year together with visiting cousin Angel in white (Chai is in blue)
Thanks to Tesh and Yoo Sun for the lovely words and pics! More pics and stories from me hopefully soon!~
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