2009년 2월 25일 수요일

The Power Of Ash

Astronomers believe that a long long time ago, dusts accumulate to eventually build up planets, from which human lives spring. It is written in the Holy Bible that human came from ash and to ash too we shall return. Astronomers still fear the possibility of an accumulated dust in the form of a comet will someday hit our planet and turn us all into dust.

Ash is indeed powerful. In 1991, Mount Pinatubo erupted and the ash that covered the earth's atmosphere lowered global temperatures to a couple of degree. This day, the ever changeing landscape of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines is a marvelous reminder of God's glory.

Here's a few more pics from our hike last Feb. 1.

Straight from meeting UP Math Club friends in Boni High St, headed North to Pinatubo.

My travel mate is my birthday mate Joanna. Mark April 20 in your calendars!

Me and my hideous posture stopped over for some wonderful sight.

"swam in the crystal blue waters of the crater. freshwater was so cool, i thought it would at least be lukewarm, since we're actually in the volcano's mouth-" Mar, the leftmost guy
I overheard from foreigner tourists that Taal's lake is colder.

"explored the inner crater via a boatride with manong bangkero for only 250 pesos per person"- Mar, who posted more pics here

"a ride would consist of 4 people max." - Mar, who posted yet another set of pics here

" the sight was simply amazing, since we couldn't believe that we're actually in the philippines" -Mar, who is now reconsidering going to Bali

"it was like what the lord of the rings looks like in the movies. it was like new zealand in our country!" - Mar feeling like Frodo

"on that part of the creater, you could actually see steam coming from the boiling waters. water here was not for swimming since you'd be scald alive if you do so. we tried dipping our fingers, and it really was hot, and boiling!" - Mar, simply Mar

'the sands, and rocks on that part of the crater were hot as well"- still Mar

it was indeed an experience!" - you know who

I would insert lovely to that.

PS: Here in Korea, ash has a different power. When you say ash, it is actually a bad thing. Similar to saying oh, shit.

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